Saturday, February 27, 2010

Back to a Normal Life

Though I can not say completely that I am back to normal living but I can hope to say so. In between has been very tough physically and emotionally. Lots of rounds of medical tests, tubes, needles, tests, chemos, blood changes, needls being hammered to the spianl chord and all the money being spent paying medical bills, making rounds to large medicals and consulting doctors in between,

At the end of the tunnel there is some hope and hope is of a newer life. Hope the hope of the hope survives. In between read so many books, wrote a lot, chated with God and ghost simultaneously and in the fathom of the winter thoughts came about surviving. Cursed enemies, cursed enem who came in the disguise of friends and ditched in their act, thought and mails. But finally forgiven them.

laughed about people who pretended to be close and took benefit of my position and power and once you are gone, had the face to write that they were never my friends. What do you call such opportunitistic bastards, who like shadows suck you up and in the afternoon, ditch you thinking that you are gone in the wind. What God des with such kinds of people. I know God has aleady punished such people in some or other way but they pretend to be sane (being insane).

Life taught a great lesson in last copule of months, may be you need centuries to learn what I got in few months.

New book is out (thats on the birthday ) - a bridged version of marketing management.

Now months and years, new thoughts and new begining for life.
I am drenched so much in the rains of my newness that I am soaked up the bone and I will never be dry again.


  1. Ha ahaa.. Why do you need to invariably write about your enemies? Nothing warrants them such a mental space.
    I am sure you can stop pondering over them and readers too deserve something better and lively to feast upon..

  2. If you're down for disproportionately long periods of time and you find yourself blaming the rest of the world for your misery, then perhaps a change of attitude is in order. These 10 tips for positive thinking may be able to give your outlook in life its much needed overhaul. So increase your chances for a more constructive perspective with these 10 tips for positive thinking:

    1. Recognize negative thoughts as they take shape and bury them before they take root. If you feel your mood darkening again, put a stop to these dangerous musings before you succumb to them. Rule your emotions, don't let your emotions rule you.

    2. Hang out with people who think positive as well. This condition can be quite infectious.

    3. Just as contagious is a negative mindset. So avoid people who tend to think negatively on a constant basis. After all, who wants to hang around naysayers all the time?

    4. Work out and eat right. If you look good on the outside, it'll be easier to feel good on the inside, too.

    5. De-clutter. Surround yourself only with the things you love and that make you feel good--framed family photos, favorite books, potted plants, works of art, or whatever else that's meaningful to you.

    6. If people tell you you can't do something, take that as a challenge and prove them wrong. Chances are, they themselves can't do it or are too afraid to try and are simply bitter about it. If you show them it can be done after all, maybe they'll even be inspired by your success. You can be a living tip for positive thinking to them.

    7. Just when you're about to blow your top for all the seeming misfortunes that befall you, remind yourself of all your blessings instead. This practice can be very sobering, indeed.

    8. Be a volunteer or get involved in charity work. Not only will you realize the sheer number of people who have bigger problems than you do, but there is also such an emotional and even spiritual high to be experienced in helping others.

    9. De-stress. You're more likely to be cranky if you're perpetually stressed out. So get away from it all and recharge.

    10. Keep it up. Getting started is easy. It's the maintenance that's tricky. Make a habit out of thinking positively till it becomes an indelible part of who you are.

  3. Dear Gaurav, such a personal sharing through blog is very constructive NOT for enemies BUT for those who are passing through such agonies and their is no hope seen in the mist /peak of such situations, since Tapan has won over and HAS GUTS TO SAY YES to life again....this gives life force to such people....congrats... for winning and showing the gesture of by forgiving you are GUIDING (as being Professor)all such to use the energy in saying YES TO LIFE and recognizing the time left in hand (recognizing LESS)for doing good....again this sharing is Communicating a lot...Thanks for sharing AND ALL THE BEST....Satish

  4. Thanks Surekha,you have aptly mentioned the tips.

  5. Dear Satish. Agreed that its good to say Yes to life again. But on the same note, its futile to give much of much covetted mental space to people who have been driven by negative energy. I am sure Dr Tapan (as you said, being a Professor) can contribute far better things to his readers and his students. Please note, we cant control others actions/thought-process but certainly can control ours. And his thinking or writing abt them will yield nothing but pain and probably bitterness too. \Better to kick them out and start pursuing what he believes in, not what others have compelled him to think of or write.

  6. got 2 know a lot about u Sir,good to know that u r getting back to a normal life again.ll send u a mail soon.
    Take Care Sir
